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About Us

GCU Students' Association exists to represent and support GCU students to have the best university experience. This is our Mission. All GCU students are automatically members of the Students' Association.

We are constantly striving towards our Vision that you will have an outstanding experience that will live with you forever and our Values are being Inclusive, Community, Student-Led and Fun. We are an award winning organisation.

Handbooks We are a charity with charitable purposes and are a separate and independent organisation from GCU. We are located in the Students' Association Building on the Glasgow Campus and have a office at GCU London. Find out about how we are run.

Students' Association (Glasgow Campus)




Read our Glasgow Student Handbook
Read our Part Time Student Leaflet
Read our Coming to GCU from College page
Read our LGBT+ Handbook
Read our London Handbook


Watch our Video



All students at Glasgow Caledonian University are automatically members of GCU Students' Association.
This membership is free for current GCU students.



GCU Students' Association, 70 Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow, G4 0BA.

Tel: 0141 331 3886 | Email: | Messenger: